Ethicon Gynecare Transvaginal Mesh Settlement
Ethicon Gynecare Transvaginal Mesh. Complications from Ethicon Gynecare Prolift Vaginal Mesh, Gynemesh, Prolene Mesh or TVT bladder sling systems are causing serious injuries.

If you or a loved has been injured by a Vaginal Mesh device, please contact the Vaginal Mesh attorneys at the Dr Shezad Malik Firm at 214-390-3189 or fill out our contact us form.
Our law firm’s principal office is in Dallas and we have offices in Fort Worth, Texas. Dr. Shezad Malik Law Firm represents clients in dangerous drug and dangerous medical device lawsuits nationwide, including California, Florida, Illinois, New York and Texas.
The Dr. Shezad Malik Law Firm Vaginal Sling and Transvaginal mesh attorneys are evaluating potential product liability lawsuits for women who have experienced problems following surgery to repair pelvic organ prolapse (POP) or stress urinary incontinence where Ethicon Gynecare mesh or another Johnson & Johnson bladder sling product was used.
In addition to vaginal mesh lawsuits, cases are being evaluated for the following systems sold by Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon subsidiary:
- Ethicon Gynecare Prolift Pelvic Mesh
- Ethicon Gynecare Gynemesh
- Ethicon Prolene Mesh
- Ethicon Gynecare TVT Sling
Compensation may be available through an Ethicon Gynecare vaginal mesh or bladder sling lawsuit for women who have experienced complications:
- Mesh Erosion, Extrusion or Protrusion
- Mesh Contraction or Shrinkage
- Infection
- Pelvic Pain
Ethicon Gynecare Vaginal Mesh Complications
Transvaginal mesh and bladder sling systems sold by a number of different medical device manufacturers have caused thousands of women throughout the United States to suffer devastating injuries after surgery to repair pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence.
Most of these devices were approved under the FDA’s 510(k) Premarket Notification System, which allows the manufacturer to start selling the product without premarket testing when they can establish that it is substantially equivalent to another medical product that has already been approved.
FDA Mesh Investigation
The FDA has received thousands of reports of problems with Ethicon Gynecare vaginal mesh systems and products made by other companies.
There is no medical evidence that transvaginal insertion of a bladder sling provides any benefit over other available treatments for pelvic organ prolapse.
Some of the different transvaginal mesh and bladder suspension surgery products manufactured and sold by Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon division include:
Ethicon Gynecare Prolift Pelvic Floor Repair System
The Ethicon Gyncare Prolift Total, Anterior, and Posterior Pelvic Floor Repair Systems were first introduced in 2005. Gynecare Prolift+M variations were introduced in 2008.
Ethicon Prolift pelvic mesh is designed to correct an anterior prolapse (which involves repair of a cystocele or a bladder prolapse into the vagina), or to correct a posterior prolapse (which involves repair of a rectocele or rectum prolapse) or apical vaginal wall defects.
According to a 2010 study in the Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the rate of vaginal mesh erosion with Gynecare Prolift pelvic mesh was 15.6%. Since the pelvic mesh provides no difference in overall objective and subjective cure rates, the researchers questioned the value of Ethicon Gynecare Prolift mesh for vaginal prolapse repairs.
Ethicon Gynecare Gynemesh
The Ethicon Prolift mesh was approved as a derivative of earlier vaginal mesh products, including the Gynecare Gynemesh, which was first introduced in 2002.
Gynemesh is also referred to as the Gynecare GynemeshPS, nonabsorbable Prolene Soft Mesh, for vaginal wall prolapse surgical treatment.
Ethicon Gynemesh is porous, which allows surrounding tissues to grow into and incorporate the material as part of the body, which can create even more devastating problems during attempts to remove the mesh if complications develop.
Ethicon Gynecare Tvt Sling
Gynecare TVT slings in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence. Some of the types include TVT Obturator System (TVT-O), TVT Secure System (TVT-S), TVT Retropubic System, TVT Exact and TVT Abbrevo.
They each feature the Gynecare TVT mesh, which has been used for more than 11 years in millions of patients throughout the world. Ethicon TVT bladder slings have also been implicated as a cause for complications and problems by many women.
Dr. Shezad Malik Law Firm Ethicon Gynecare Transvaginal Sling Lawyers
Compensation may be available through an Ethicon Gynecare transvaginal mesh lawsuit as a result of the manufacturers’ failure to warn about the serious risk of problems and complications.
As a result of their decision to place profits before patient safety, thousands of women were exposed to a risk of painful and disfiguring injuries that may permanently impact their quality of life.
The Ethicon Gynecare mesh lawyers at Dr. Shezad Malik Law Firm are providing free consultations and claim evaluations for women who suspect that they may have received one of these products or another bladder sling system sold by a different company.
Request a confidential and free legal consultation if you, a friend or family member have experienced problems after surgery to repair pelvic organ prolapse or stress urinary incontinence, where surgical mesh may have been placed transvaginally.
All cases are reviewed on a contingency fee basis, which means that there are no attorney fees unless we are successful obtaining compensation in your injury lawsuit.
Please use our contact form to reach our attorney team or call 24 hours a day at 214-390-3189.
Our law firm’s principal office is in Dallas and we have offices in Fort Worth, Texas. Dr. Shezad Malik Law Firm represents clients in dangerous drug and dangerous medical device lawsuits nationwide.
Read more here about the side effects from the Vaginal Mesh and Bladder Sling devices
AMS-Endo Announces Vaginal Mesh lawsuit final settlement
Ethicon Vaginal Mesh $20 Million Verdict